Faithful Guardians are past and present firefighters, EMS, law enforcement, and military members that intentionally subject themselves to the worst environments and situations life has to offer. They are exposed to and can "suffer from" extraordinary experiences and unique challenges...and that's just from their occupational experiences.
Faithful Guardians are past and present firefighters, EMS, law enforcement, and military members that intentionally subject themselves to the worst environments and situations life has to offer. They are exposed to and can "suffer from" extraordinary experiences and unique challenges...and that's just from their occupational experiences. Add life stresses on top of that and it's so easy to see why "mental health" is such "an issue" for us.
Faithful Guardians gather to develop brotherhood in Christ which results in camaraderie, connection and fellowship.
Doing God's work without the strength and guidance found in our Christian faith is not without consequence.
In recent years an attempt to address "bad and harmful things being seen in and done by good people" has resulted in the preaching of "mental health and resiliency" across the "guardian" professions. Problem is, without highlighti
Doing God's work without the strength and guidance found in our Christian faith is not without consequence.
In recent years an attempt to address "bad and harmful things being seen in and done by good people" has resulted in the preaching of "mental health and resiliency" across the "guardian" professions. Problem is, without highlighting the importance of a God-centered identity and a true relationship and walk with Christ, the most critical issues aren't being addressed.
Mankind's brokenness creates a need for the guardian professions. We need Christ and each other for help as well as for accountability.
In Proverbs (4:23) we are told "above all else, guard your heart,
for everything you do flows from it." In Jeremiah (17:9) we are told that the heart is deceitful above all things
and beyond cure.
Mankind's brokenness creates a need for the guardian professions. We need Christ and each other for help as well as for accountability.
In Proverbs (4:23) we are told "above all else, guard your heart,
for everything you do flows from it." In Jeremiah (17:9) we are told that the heart is deceitful above all things
and beyond cure.
Guarding yourself (and others) as a sinner in a broken world is not accomplished alone.
Chapter 6 of Galations challenges us to be each other's keeper: "Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ."
Faithful Guardians encourage one another and build each other up:
Faithful Guardians encourage one another and build each other up: